“I’ll save it in my phone.”
“Don’t bother, it will probably be a new number the next time I call.”
“Oh man, Sienna. Are things that bad right now?”
“You could say that.”
“Will you at least tell me something?”
“I hate my life.”
She laughed.
It felt good to feel normal even if it was only for a few minutes. These were the small pleasures I had, talking on the phone with my best friend. Aurora was aware of who I was and what my father did. Italy belonged to him. The Luciano name governed, like it did for my grandfather and my great grandfather before him. Generations upon generations of mafioso wise guys.
Greed for money.
The government didn’t control shit, organized crime did.
“Anyway, how are you? Things good with Diego?”
“Meh. He’s not my favorite.”
For the next twenty minutes, she caught me up on her life, and I cherished every last second of our conversation. It was nice to talk to my girl and pretend as if my life wasn’t run by Lorenzo Luciano, El Capo.
By the time my uncle came back, we’d hung up. I didn’t want him to eavesdrop and if given the opportunity, he probably would have.
“Hey, thanks for that,” I expressed my gratitude.
“Thanks for what?” he played coy, winking at me. “I just went to get a sandwich.”
“I don’t see my sandwich.”
“Your wish came true. Your father’s home and he’s asking for you.”
“Yes, he needs you in his office.”
My excitement to finally see him was cut short far too quickly, I jerked back, confused. “His office?”
No good ever came from going into my father’s office. I was only summoned there when I was in trouble or he had news I wouldn’t appreciate. Behind those four walls, his office always meant business.
“Sienna, let’s not keep him waiting.”
Shit. Did he find out? Does he know?
I nodded, following Uncle Gino out of my room and down the hall. Papà’s office was in the other wing of the estate, furthest from my bedroom. Our home was a fifteen thousand square foot mansion on ten acres of land, which had security walking the grounds day and night. The press wasn’t wrong about me, I did grow up a mafia princess. My father wouldn’t have had it any other way.
I never wanted for anything. I had the best designer clothes, the most expensive high-end shoes. The jewelry I owned was all laced in gold, so was the trim finishing in our homes in different locations over the world. We had an airplane, a jet, a helicopter, several yachts, garages full of cars, and motorcycles. The list of luxuries was endless. My life was extravagant, it was all I’d ever known. I wasn’t scared of my father. I respected and loved him. He’d never hurt me. At least not physically.
Emotionally, he was the king of that.
It wasn’t intentional or malicious. He simply wanted what was best for me, never realizing I could make those decisions as well. For the most part, we had a loving relationship with moments of disdain here and there.
The closer I got to his office the more nervous I became. I was internally freaking out. I hated being caught off guard. The biggest problem with my old man was his tendency of being overprotective with me.
I couldn’t tell you how many times I heard him threaten, “There’s only two ways they’re leaving this house, either with a gun to their head or in a body bag,” to anyone he thought wasn’t a good example.
My friends needed to be cleared through him.
My teachers.
My riding instructors.
Basically, anyone who was in my presence had to be approved by him.
He’d run a background check, make sure he knew the ins and outs of their life. Where they lived, who their family had ties to. Everything, even down to their blood types…
I took a deep breath, contemplating his next move. Adriana hadn’t been found. She’d been missing for a little over two months. It was the only information Uncle Gino would share with me, I knew better than to ask my father for any updates about her. He wouldn’t tell me, and he’d be disappointed I asked in the first place. The role of a woman in this life was to be the mother and caretaker of the home. Our place was not anywhere near what he did daily for a living.
Would he send me away again?
I’d left my house in the middle of the night several times throughout my life with an arsenal of bodyguards surrounding me. Last year was the first time I had to leave the country for six months in the exact same way. I stayed with my aunt in New York until it was safe enough for my return to Italy. I had far less freedom in America than I did in my homeland.
Once we arrived outside of the doors of his office, I took another deep breath while Uncle Gino knocked letting him know we were there. I was never allowed to just walk in, I had to knock, and he had to know I was coming down to see him. I couldn’t take him by surprise. A lot of shit went down behind these closed doors, and Papà made sure it was never in my presence.
There were rules I had to follow.
End of story.
“Entra!” Papà shouted, “Enter.”
With my heart beating out of my chest, I inhaled one last heavy breath. Uncle Gino opened the door, giving me a reassuring gleam in his eyes. Fully aware I was internally losing my shit but remaining calm on the outside. I was raised to not show any emotion, especially when it came to El Capo.
Passing over the threshold, I announced with a smile, “Papà, sono così felice di vederti—” I halted my steps, stopping right by the door. Unable to finish my sentence saying how happy I was to finally see him.
There was no moving.
No breathing.
I was rendered speechless.
About to go…
To war.
Chapter 14
El Capo was sitting at the head of the rectangular mahogany table in the middle of the open room. No good ever came from him sitting there instead of at his desk when I entered. However, it wasn’t my father that left me breathless, or the faces of the men I instantly recognized. My eyes shifted from one mobster to the next.
The five families.
Including, El Diablo.
Martinez sat to the left of Papà. None of the most powerful and influential gangsters in all the world caught my attention quite like the man sitting to the right of my father. He was sporting a fucking grin I instantly wanted to slap off his pretty boy face.
I swear on everything that was holy, in that moment my whole future came tumbling down on me when I saw who I least expected.
He. Was. There.
Mercilessly smug.
Unforgivingly astute.
Ready to sign my death certificate.
His cocky appearance reminded me so much of another made man. Romeo Sinacore, who was Sinacore’s womanizing grandson I’d met a few times. He was a Grade A asshole. Allowing his dick to do the talking while his gun ended the conversation.
It wasn’t until Papà ordered, “Sienna, sit down.” That I just knew my life would never be the same again.
The fact Papà addressed me by my name merely proved what I was feeling. This was serious or else he would have said, “Principessa.”
Nodding to the empty seat directly across from him, I slowly walked to the chair. Fifteen steps was all it took for me to make it to the seat. I kept my eyes locked with his, mindful he’d simply demand it if I didn’t.
“I called you in here today to tell you what’s going to happen next, Sienna.”
There we go with my name again.
I didn’t reply, conscious of our dynamic. Particularly in his office.
Speak when asked to.
“You are allowed in here for one reason and one re
ason only. I’m going to inform you of what is going to happen and when it’s going to occur. There will be no room for argument or discussion on what I am about to tell you. This is not negotiable. It’s been decided on your behalf and that is the end of it. Do you understand me?”
I don’t know how it was possible, but my heart sped up. Digging my nails into the palms of my hands under the table, I desperately tried keeping my emotions in check and willed myself to not pass out. The room was spinning, closing in on me, inch-by-inch.
“You know I love you, and I would never put you in a situation you can’t handle or in danger. Am I making myself clear?”
“Sienna Contessa Luciano, you’re my daughter. My only child, my flesh and blood. You will represent our family and do the right thing. Not only does this affect your life and mine, it affects everyone in this room.”
I swallowed hard, digging my nails deeper into my flesh.
“You know who these men are. You know what happened in our home two months ago. Because of our life, we have to make sure we’re stronger now than ever before. We will see this through. What we need is a united front to make sure this never happens again. Not to the Martinez family, ours, or any other men in this room. We all agree that this is what’s best for La Famiglia, Sienna. It’s not personal, it’s business.”
“Si,” the five families announced in unity.
“Your life is at stake and that is something I don’t take lightly,” Papà exclaimed.
I wanted to throw up.
I needed to fucking hurl.
I swear with every bone in my body I knew what he was going to say next.
“Sienna, stand up.”
I couldn’t find the words to express anything other than the turmoil running wild through every fiber of my being.
I. Was. Fuming.
In a dominant tone, I countered, “No.”
Papà didn’t falter, he slammed his fist down on the table, causing me to jolt.
“Do not defy me! I’m your father first, this isn’t a choice. It’s an order. Now, stand up.”
My eyes rimmed with tears, there was no holding it in or hiding it from him. From any of them. I didn’t care we weren’t alone, and I was showing weakness to a room full of men who’d take a bullet to the heart before they ever showed any emotions.
“Please,” I replied with trembling lips. “Don’t do this.”
“Sienna, I won’t ask you again.”
I wore the tears that slid down the sides of my face like a badge of honor, as I stood.
With pride.
No one could take them away from me. Not even El Capo.
“Come here.”
“I’m begging you…please, Papà.”
With one look, he hammered the final nail into my coffin. Begrudgingly, I made my way over to him until I was standing beside him and the man sitting to his right. When my father grabbed my hand, I closed my eyes.
He reasoned, “I do this because I love you, you won’t understand now, but one day you will.’
The second I felt El Capo place my hand into the hands of the mafioso I despised the most, there was no going back from this. I’d never forgive Papà.
Resisting the urge to scream and run, I held my ground.
“Sienna, open your eyes,” he once again ordered in a tone I couldn’t disregard.
I did, displaying as much hate as I could muster with my seething glare toward the son of a bitch now standing in front of me. When I saw the diamond ring the asshole was sliding on my finger, I bit my tongue until I tasted blood.
It was my mother’s engagement ring.
This motherfucker.
Once it was on my finger, he lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it. Allowing his mouth to linger for far too long before he leaned in whispering in my ear, “Till death do us part. You’re mine now, princesa.”
Abruptly, I shoved him, hard.
He grinned.
“Sienna! That is no way to treat your fiancé. Apologize.”
“Capo, I don’t need an apology.” The son of a bitch had the balls to eye me up and down with predatory regard. “I enjoy her feistiness.”
“Leave it for the wedding night. Until then my daughter is mine.”
Like I was just someone’s property and not a real person with wants and needs.
I couldn’t help myself, I spewed in a hateful voice, “You loved Mamà. You always said you wanted that for me. You promised I’d experience the love you had with her, you swore I’d marry for love and not an arrangement.”
“You love me, princesa. You just don’t know it yet.”
“I. Hate. You.”
He shrugged. “Love and hate is a very thin line.”
“This. Is. Not. Love. This. Is. A. Death. Sentence.”
“Sienna, enough!” El Capo roared.
I didn’t think this could get any worse. I was so wrong.
Papà added, “You will be married next month on your birthday.”
I scoffed out a snide breath. The day I was supposed to be set free turned into the day I’d die.
My eighteenth birthday.
The date I would marry my arch nemesis.
Crucifixio Martinez.
El Diablo’s son.
Chapter 15
“We have business to finish, Gino. Take Sienna back to her room,” Luciano ordered.
“Si, Luciano.”
“Sienna, say goodbye to your fiancé. You won’t see him again until your wedding day.”
“And then what?”
“Then you’ll be his wife and obey his orders.”
She glared at me. “I will never.”
“Sienna…” he warned in a stern tone.
“Where will we live?”
“You don’t need to worry about any of that. It’s all taken care of.”
“So not only do I have no say in my husband or my life. I don’t get an opinion when it comes to my home?”
She interrupted me, “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?”
“By my count, this is only the fourth.”
“You just have an answer for everything, don’t you?”
“I’ll give your father the number to the interior decorator and you can call her to set up a time where you can go to our home and figure out the bullshit details I couldn’t care less about.”
“Did you hear, Papà? He couldn’t care less about me.”
“Don’t twist my words.”
“Great. How about you don’t talk to me at all then?”
“Sienna…” her father repeated in the same harsh tone.
“This engagement is off to a fabulous start. Can’t wait to see what our marriage will look like,” she retorted.
“At least you’re thinking about our marriage.”
She took a step forward, getting right in my face and I resisted the urge to claim her lips. “Let’s get one thing straight, Cruz. I’m only marrying you because I have no other choice, but I swear I will never be your wife where it matters.”
El Capo slammed his fist down on the table, much harder than moments ago. “You will not disrespect your fiancé in my presence ever again! I raised you better than that. Do you understand me?”
Before she got in any more trouble, I bent forward and kissed her cheek.
Murmuring in her ear for only her to hear, “Once you carry my last name that’s half the battle. I’ve won. Do I have your undivided attention now? Because, sweetheart, we have a connection between us. You see it. You feel it. You want it. Me. And if you continue to deny what’s mine, all I have to do is take what belongs to me... You.”
She growled, making my cock twitch. Since I didn’t want a bullet to the head by her father, I went to kiss her cheek one last time, but the little shit shoulder
checked me and walked away.
Without saying, “Goodbye,”
I chuckled. I hadn’t laughed since Adriana was taken. It was a nice change of pace even if it was simply for a second.
“The next time I see you, princesa, you’ll be saying, ‘I do.’”
She ignored me and left. Never looking back.
“I apologize on behalf of my daughter,” Luciano declared, bringing my attention back to the men.
“Lorenzo, we all have daughters,” Papà reminded as I sat down. “They’re more difficult to control. Mine would have responded the same way. You’re doing what’s best for her. She’ll eventually understand and thank you for it.”
Luciano nodded, appreciating his sentiments. “Now, let’s get down to business and why we’re here. The wedding will be front page news, it will be reported in the media, through online sources, and the news stations. It will be the wedding of the century from here to America and every state and country in between.”
“I’ve spoken with Detective Dylan McGraw, he knows that Adriana was taken and what I have to do,” Papà revealed.
Uncle Dylan was a close friend of our family. My father told me he was the one who helped him fake his death in the first place almost two decades ago.
“Obviously, the men who took your daughter, Alejandro, know you’re alive, but are you ready for the world to find out as well?” Luciano questioned, nodding at him.
“I’ll do whatever I have to do to get my daughter home. I’m getting older, Lorenzo. This is the only choice I have left. I never wanted to bring my family into this life, however things have changed overnight. The joining of our families will provide the protection I need in order to find her. Whoever took Adriana will know I’m no longer in hiding and above all, I’ve joined forces with one of La Famiglia. They’ll realize very fucking quickly who’ve they’ve fucked with. Except, it’s not just El Diablo anyone. It’s the five families.”
“Alejandro, it’s for the best,” Nicolasi chimed in. “They think you’re alone and weak. By outing yourself, not only are showing them you’re united with El Capo but also with what that entails. Us. La Famiglia. You’re declaring war and we will win.”
“We will need extra security at the church and the reception. I can only imagine the fucking shit show it’s going to be with reporters wanting the first exclusive photo of you. On top of Cruz and Sienna’s first pictures as a married couple. The news of your rebirth will hit the media the morning of the ceremony, Martinez. Since Carbone has already interviewed you, he’s responsible for passing on the information to the other reporters,” Rossi disclosed.