Second Chance Scandal Read online

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  Due to his high paying career, my mother was a pro at looking the other way toward his indiscretions. As a result, we lived in a huge house in a wealthy neighborhood where we never wanted for anything. Buying our affection helped ease his guilt of being a shitty father and husband.

  A lot of the time it was just my mom, me, and the staff who helped with the daily management of our house. My mother drowned her sorrows with wine and her friends from the country club while I was being raised by my football coaches. I was the only child, and I saw our housekeeper, Miss Carlisee, more than I saw my parents since she started working for us when I was nine-years-old.

  Anytime I thought about that house, though, I couldn’t help but remember her daughter Sophie, and how she wasn’t the first or last woman I’d fucked over. However, sometimes it felt like Sophie got back at me years later. I tried not to think about how she could have been the one who got away.

  Whatever the hell that meant.

  “Yes, that’s right,” Autumn declared, tearing me away from my reckless thoughts while she sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk. “But I’m not going to lie you, I definitely have my work cut out for me when it comes to you, Jax Colton.”

  “Why are you talking to me like you don’t know me?”

  “Because in this sense I don’t. I know you as the guy who pisses off my brother every chance he gets.”

  “The feeling is very much mutual, sweetheart.”

  “Oh, I know. You both act like children when it comes to Kinley.”

  I chuckled despite feeling like the walls were caving in on me. I hated not being in control, especially when it came down to what was being printed about me for the whole world to read.

  “But I’m not here to talk about you and my brother’s friendship.”

  “Or lack of.”

  She smiled. “I’m here to make sure Mr. Greatest of All Time stays that way.”

  “You don’t need to kiss my ass, Autumn, so let’s not waste any more time and get right down to business. What are you going to do for me, Red?”

  She leaned forward on my desk, resting her elbows on the edge before stating, “Now you’re speaking my language. I’m here to do what I do best, and that’s making the world fall in love with you again.”

  “Like you did for your husband?”

  “If I can change Julian’s public persona to a family man, trust me, you’re child’s play.”

  She was the woman who was able to accomplish what many had tried and failed, completely changing Julian’s image to the world. In a month he went from being a cutthroat, broody entrepreneur to a family man. The woman could move mountains just based on him alone.

  “I’m hearing a lot of talk and no action,” I argued. “What’s your pitch?”

  “Alright.” She smiled wider. “I’ll batter up.”

  I never expected what would come out of her mouth next. Never in a million years did I predict the words…

  “We need to find you a wife.”

  * * *

  To ever be directed at me.



  “Your solution to my scandal is to ball and chain me?” I asked, completely thrown off with where this conversation had suddenly turned. Looking over at Caleb, I questioned, “This is what you call the best?”

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not in the room, Jax.”

  With my eyes once again focused on her, I replied, “Don’t patronize me like you know what’s best for me, Autumn.”

  “Actually, I do know what’s best for you in terms of your career and public persona, or I wouldn’t be here. Your agent called me, not the other way around, Jax, so let’s make that crystal clear.”

  “All you’ve accomplished is to further piss me off. If that was your game plan, then you’ve succeeded.”

  “Then how about I talk to you in terms you understand?”

  “By all means”—I gestured to her—“continue on your delusional theory on what a wife can do for me.”

  “You know how to throw a touchdown. Well, I know how to play defense, and right now you need to show the world that you’re trading for a team that is not only your hometown, but also where your fiancée lives.”

  “So now this mystery woman is my fiancée?”

  “Yes, we can go two routes. The first, you get married in a big ceremony where your fans feel like they’re part of your special day or the second, you elope, and we leak pictures of your nuptials along with your love story that will have your fans chomping at the bit for every detail that they forget your ‘quote, unquote’, traitor status.”

  “My fanbase is men, Red. They don’t give a fuck about fairy tales. The only happily ever after they want from me is to win the Superbowl for them.”

  She smirked while pulling out what looked like a spreadsheet with graphs from her bag.

  “Quite the contrary, Jax. Yes, your primary fanbase is men, as you see here on this bar.” She pointed to it. “But look at the bar right next to it.”

  I did, shocked at what I was seeing. “This can’t be real?”

  “Oh, come on, Jax. You can’t be surprised that women love you just as much as their husbands or boyfriends do. You’re easy on the eyes, and your notorious playboy reputation has bad boy written all over it. You’re literally a book boyfriend to women who spend most of their Sundays reading while their significant others watch you do what you do best on their screens. You’re on their televisions once a week for five months out of the year, if you’re not in the playoffs, and let’s face it, you’re Jax Colton—you’re always in the playoffs.”

  I shook my head, unable to process what was happening fast enough to believe this was suddenly my reality.

  “This can’t be right.”

  “It is,” Caleb intervened. “I pulled these stats for her this morning after the news broke out, and I called her to do damage control. She flew out immediately.”

  “Numbers don’t lie,” Autumn boasted. “I know football is the love of your life. It’s been that way since I first met you when I was a kid. I’m not asking you to stay married forever. Divorces happen every day, and I already have a plan of action for when that time comes.”

  “So you’re saying I need a fake fiancée, who will become my fake wife, for our fake marriage?”

  “It will only be fake to you, not the public. Your marriage license will be real in case reporters pull it for their ten-page spreads on your nuptials. I have a list of the best journalists I’ll be reaching out to, so they can break the news internationally. This is a foolproof plan, Jax. Your love story will override your trading. If your male fanbase is reluctant to forgive you, your female fanbase will convince them to. They’ll welcome you back with open arms for Sunday night football. After the season is over and you’ve won the Super Bowl, we can hit them with your divorce.”

  “The season? I only have to be married for half a year?”

  “Give or take.”

  I arched an eyebrow. I didn’t know what was crazier: what she was planning, or the fact that I was considering it.

  “After you win the Super Bowl with the team that no one saw coming, we can begin the steps of your imploding divorce. Where, of course, we will play the heartbroken card. We’ll work the angle of you being a diehard workaholic and football will always remain your number one priority. You’ve sacrificed your marriage and the love of your life for your devotion to the game. Again, Jax Colton will come out on top, and from what I hear, it’s your favorite position.” She wittingly smiled, allowing her words to sink in. “Now how about that for some action?”

  I cocked my head to the side, thinking.

  “Do you need more action?” she baited. “How about all the endorsements you will get from your marriage and divorce? Since I’m not only fixing your traitor narrative, but I’m also making you a much richer man. To me,” she pointed to herself, “that sounds like a damn good game plan.”

  “It sounds far-fetched to me.”

  “Why? People want to see love flourish. They want to believe that it exists. That if it’s possible to tame you, the eternal bachelor, then it’s possible to tame any man. Women want the hope, the excuses to keep screwing the guy who won’t ever settle down with them. The one who plays the game, the man who fucks them over time and time again. They want to believe that love can conquer all. It’s truly that simple.”

  “Simple isn’t the word I’d use to describe what you want me to do.”

  “I know. I didn’t say this was going to be easy on your part, but think of it as a role you’re playing for a movie or a commercial.”

  “I’m an athlete, not an actor.”

  “Well, the whole world’s a stage, Jax.”

  “I have no interest to perform for the public, Red. This is a blatant lie. They’ll see right through it. They’ll know it’s a publicity stunt to take heat off my trade.”

  “Some will think that—I’m not going to pretend like they won’t. You’ve always been a very private person despite being who you are. Your fans, even your diehard ones, don’t really know who you are. At least not the man behind the football. I think it’s time you let them in on your life.”

  “That’s not my life—it’s a lie.”

  “You’re telling me you’ve never lied to get ahead?”

  “I’m telling you I don’t want to lie now.”

  “Why not? We’re letting them in on your terms. You’ll control this narrative. It may be fake, but you’ll still have final say on how far we take it. It’s one season, Jax, not the rest of your life. I mean, unless you do fall in love with each other which could always happen.”

  I bit, “Your theory is more delusional than I thought.”

  “Hey! Crazier things have happened. Just look at J
ulian and me.”

  “You and Julian go way back, there’s a huge difference.”

  “Then ask someone you have history with.”

  “The only woman I have history with that is still in my life is your sister-in-law, and she’s already married to your brother.”

  “There has to be a woman in your life who was important to you at one time?”

  “None who matter.”


  Both our gazes flew to Caleb’s outburst, and for the second time in a matter of minutes I wanted to wring his fucking neck again.

  Ignoring his remark, she continued, “Your fans will love to feel like they’re part of your life outside of football. Not only have they been with you since the beginning of your football career, but now they’ll be part of your love life too. People love to feel like they’re part of something. She’ll be the first woman who has had the power to tame your bed-hopping ways, and that alone will make people curious.”

  My mind was spinning. It was a fucking whirlwind of emotions. I didn’t want to get married. Love didn’t exist. It was bullshit bought by a Hallmark greeting company built on propaganda and illusions.

  But what if she was right? Could I do this?

  As if reading my mind, she asked, “Your playbook must be filled with endless names of women who would at least do this for money?”

  “Money? Isn’t that bribery?”

  “She’s doing a job, filling a role for you. It’s no different than paying an employee.”

  “I don’t pay women to sleep with me, Autumn.”

  “I didn’t say anything about her sleeping with you, Jax. In fact, I think it’s best that you leave your dick out of the equation. Keep it strictly business. You’re pretending to be married. You’re pretending to be in love. In turn, she gets paid to pretend to be the love of your life.”

  I deeply sighed.

  “I know this is a lot to take in.”

  “No, Red. This morning was a lot to take in. Your proposal is just adding insult to injury.”

  “I’m trying to uncomplicate your life.”

  “By adding marriage which is my definition of complicated?”

  She shrugged. “You want the scandal to blow over? This is the best way to do it. Unless you want people booing you in the stands once the season starts. Your call, Quarterback.”

  Caleb chimed in, “I’d do what she says.”

  “You of all people want me to get married when yours failed?”

  He grimaced, instantly making me feel like shit.

  “That was out of line,” I expressed, looking only at him.

  Caleb’s divorce was only finalized a few weeks ago. He caught his then wife fucking the pool guy while he was at an away game with me.

  The sad part was I never really thought he was in love with her. She was a gold digger who got pregnant and trapped him. He said the right thing to do was marry her. That was one thing about my best friend—he always tried to do the right thing.

  Fucking fool.

  They had a seven-year-old little boy and a five-year-old little girl who were his entire world. They were cute kids, and I was a godfather to both.

  “You know who you could ask, Jax. The only woman you’ve ever spoken to me about.”

  “Caleb, don’t—”

  “Oh…” Autumn intervened, eating this shit up. “The plot thickens. I was right? There was a woman?”

  “Why don’t I just leave the room, so you two can continue to gossip like schoolgirls at a fucking slumber party?”

  “And he’s getting defensive? Now I’m really intrigued,” she exclaimed. “Who is she?”

  “None of your business. I’m not asking her. I don’t even know where she lives. I haven’t spoken to her in who knows how long.”

  “I know how long,” Caleb disclosed, incessantly pissing me off. “It was right after the press conference when you punched the reporter in his face, and I had to bribe him with paying his daughter’s college tuition for the next year.”

  “In my defense—”

  “There is no defense, Jax. You have a short fuse, and you often let your temper get the best of you.”

  “I warned him to get his fucking camera out of my face, did I not?”

  “It’s his job to have his camera in your face. The day reporters don’t harass you with their cameras in your face, we have a bigger fucking problem than you and your rage.”

  “He caught me at the wrong time. I was having a bad day.”

  “You fumbled the ball. It was more than a bad day.”

  “Are you my friend or foe, Caleb? Because quite honestly since Autumn walked through the door, I can’t for the life of me figure out whose side you’re on.”

  “Jax, I’m always on your side, and you’re purposely changing the subject and picking a fight with me so we don’t have to talk about Sophie.”

  “Sophie?” Autumn repeated. I could see it in her gaze, she was trying to figure out where she’d heard that name before. “Oh shit! Wait a second! Sophie? Baby Sophie? Your housekeeper’s daughter?”

  “She’s not a baby anymore and hasn’t been for a long time. She was older than you.”

  “Only by four years and everyone called her baby back then. She always looked younger than she was. Oh my God!” Her eyes widened. “She always had the biggest crush on you!”

  “Mmm hmm…”

  “That’s all you have to say for yourself?”

  “There’s nothing else to say.”

  “Jax just doesn’t want to admit that she left him high and dry after fucking him senseless the night before.”

  I glared at Caleb, but it didn’t stop him.

  “I spent over a month trying to find her, only to turn up empty. It was like she vanished into thin air.”

  “As much as I’m enjoying this conversation…” I abruptly stood up. I’d had enough of this bullshit. “I’m going to have to pass on your pitch, Red.”


  “I said,” I sternly repeated. “I’m going to have to pass on your pitch, Autumn.”

  With that, I snapped around and stormed out of my office.

  * * *

  Pissed as fuck was an understatement.



  Two days later and I was walking into Kinley’s home in Fort Worth. I didn’t think I was going to make their first gathering with their family and friends since the birth of her son, but I made time in my schedule to see her and meet him.

  After the stunt Caleb pulled with bringing Autumn in on the worst game plan known to fucking man, I needed to distract myself from what could only be described as one disaster after the other.

  She was in the backyard with Christian, and on my way toward her, I ran into her mother who was holding their boy.

  “Hi, Miss McKenzie.” I kissed her cheek.

  “Jax, how many times have I told you to call me Linda?”

  After the toxic relationship Kinley had with her mom growing up, she’d changed and was finally the mother she needed her to be.

  “Is this the man of the hour?” I questioned, grabbing him out of her arms.

  I was always good with kids and, to be completely honest, I could see myself being a father over ever being a husband.

  “Hey, little man. Do you have any idea how long your parents have wanted you?”

  In response to my question, he threw up all over the front of my shirt as his face turned bright red.

  “Oh my goodness!” Miss McKenzie announced, taking him from my arms. “Are you taking a poopy?”

  “I guess like father like son.”

  “Don’t take offense. He did it to me this morning too.” She lovingly smiled at him. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.”

  I watched her leave before making my way out to their backyard. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Autumn in the living room talking to her husband. I knew she’d be here, and as much as I wanted to pretend like her pitch never happened, I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t consumed my mind for the last forty-eight hours.

  Which was why I was there in the first place, I needed to talk to my best friend. Kinley was always my voice of reason, and her opinion mattered to me. I wanted to see what she thought of the situation.