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  “Mmm hmm…Martinez has no living family other than his niece, Briggs. And I think that’s why he’s so keen on Cruz marrying into your family. It may be corrupt, but family comes first to your bloodline, and in a huge way he’s giving Cruz the extended family we don’t have. The one he’s always wanted him to have. Aside from my half-sister who lives in North Carolina, my kids don’t have anyone but us. Since Alejandro faked his death, we’re not as close I wish we could be.”

  “Maybe things will change now.”

  “I hope so. Although, Briggs and her husband Austin know the truth. So do their kids. They’ve spent a lot of summers here in Italy with us. The night Adriana was taken, I was flying home from Oak Island where they live. I spent the last two weeks in their house.”

  I cocked my head to the side again. “Why are you telling me all this?”

  She beamed, and it lit up her eyes. “Because I want you to know that you’re not alone. I thought I’d experienced the worst pain a person could go through after my mother died, but I was wrong. My daughter’s kidnapping trumped that tenfold. I don’t wish that on anyone and if I can offer you a bit of comfort and understanding on your wedding day and birthday, then I played my role for today.”



  “It’s just weird to have someone take my side. No one ever does. Everyone in my father’s family is part of this life. Most were in an arranged marriage themselves. While on my mother’s side, he provides for them all, so it justifies…” I shrugged. “His motives toward me.”

  “Money can buy a lot of things.”

  “There’s a reason it’s the root of all evil. But I have faith they’re going to find your daughter. I know they will bring her home. You don’t need to worry. Especially now, my arranged marriage will make whoever took her afraid of the consequence’s they’re going to face.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears. This marriage may be a curse to you, but to me, to us, it’s a blessing. It’s our last hope in finding Adriana. Do you understand?”

  I never took a moment to truly think about what I was doing. Why we were getting married, what the outcome would be…

  “I will never be able to repay you for this, but please know that my son is a good man. He will protect you and if you give him a chance, he will love you. If he doesn’t already.”

  “He doesn’t even know me.”

  “You’re right. Though I just met you and I already love you. You’re an old soul with an amazing heart. I can see the kindness in your eyes. Despite what you’re saying about your father, I can still hear the love you have for him in your voice.”

  “I know, and he uses it to his advantage. I do love and respect my father. However, he and El Capo can be two completely different men.”

  “I understand. My husband can be the same way. I want you to know this has been the first time since my daughter was kidnapped I’ve felt optimistic about the future. To not just get Adriana back, but to possibly, over time, have another daughter.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “With all my heart.”

  “Can I come to you if I need…I mean…it’s just…I would love to have…you know…someone. I’m not happy with my father and sometimes it feels as if he’s all I have left. I don’t know if I’m making any sense.”

  “Of course.” She caressed my cheek with the backs of her fingers. “I’d be honored to be in your life any way you’d have me.”

  “I need you to know I’m still not happy about this arrangement. Nonetheless, knowing I could have you in my life for support and understanding…well it just makes things a little easier on me.”

  “My son is very lucky to get to call you his wife. And trust me, when I say, I know there will come a time where you will be very blessed to call him your husband.”

  “I don’t know about all that. I hate him right now.”

  She scoffed out a chuckle. “The Martinez men have that effect on us. When it comes to those two, Sienna, let me give you some advice.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “The more you push, the harder they’ll push back.”

  I shook my head. “I won’t take this lying down, Mrs. Martinez, I won’t be subservient to him.”

  “Please call me Lexi, and I don’t think my son would want it that way.”

  “What does he want from me then?”

  “You. All of you. Not just on a marriage certificate.”

  “Then he’s in for a rude awakening.”

  She laughed. “Let him prove himself to you, Sienna. I promise once you let him in, you won’t feel so alone anymore.”

  “I’m marrying him because I have to. I’m sorry, Lexi, but I don’t want this. And I’m not going to lie to you and pretend like this conversation is going to change my mind.”

  “I know. Give it time.”

  “It’s all I have now.”

  “There.” She grabbed the mirror off the counter, holding it in front of me. “A gorgeous bride.”

  “Thank you for all of this.”

  “No, Sienna. Thank you. For everything.”

  I stared at myself in the mirror, gazing at the woman looking back at me.

  Sienna Contessa Luciano was moments away from becoming Sienna Contessa Martinez.

  Mafia princess to…

  Mafia wife.

  Chapter 18


  “Principessa,” Papà breathed out, walking into my room. “Il mio amore, assomigli esattamente a tua madre,” he sincerely expressed, “My love, you look exactly like your mother,” grabbing onto my hands in an affectionate embrace.

  I nodded, giving up on my freedom. There was no point in trying to have my voice heard. I spent the last month doing exactly that to no avail. Every time I brought it up he would silence my reasoning with a straightforward finger in the air. He had no problem shutting me right up.

  “Happy birthday, Sienna. My little girl isn’t so little anymore. Look at you. You’re beautiful. A real life Principessa standing in front of me.”

  When I didn’t show any emotions, he deeply sighed with a sadness in his gaze I hadn’t seen since my mother passed.

  “Please smile for me,” he coaxed, and I didn’t hold back on how I felt. There was nothing left for me to lose, he was already taking everything that mattered the most.

  “How do you expect me to smile when you’re making me do something I don’t want to do?”

  “Because I’m simply doing what’s best for you.”

  “No. You’re doing what’s best for La Famiglia.”

  “Sienna, that’s not true.”

  “It is for me.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt you. I’m getting older, Sienna. I need to know you’re in the hands of a man who can provide, protect, and take care of you.”

  “I can provide, protect, and take care of myself.”

  “You need a husband.”

  “I need love before a husband.”

  “Love will come later.”

  “Or never.”

  “Sienna, you’ve always been strong willed. You get it from me. Your mother was no walk in the park either but—”

  “Mamà, would have never let this arranged marriage happen.”

  “Your mother was as tough as you are. Extremely thick headed and at times she’d challenge my decisions. However, in the end if I said it had to be done there was always a reason why. I think ahead, Sienna. Especially when it comes to you or our family. This wasn’t a choice I made lightly by any means and it’s killing me to know you’re fighting this marriage. You need to obey me on this. Everything I do is for you and what’s in your best interest. Tell me you know that?”

  “Mmm hmm…”

  “Sienna, per favore. Sembri così triste,” he acknowledged, “Please, you look so sad.”

  “I don’t want to do this. Please, Papà, why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because I’d rather you hate me now and still be alive
versus loving me and having to plan your funeral instead of your wedding.”

  “I don’t understand. Am I in danger? Is someone coming for me next?”

  He shook his head, pulling me into his arms. “I’d eternally rot in Hell in order to keep you safe, Sienna.”

  “I know, Papà. Your love for me isn’t up for question. I know you would die for me if you had to. It’s another reason I don’t understand the need to get married when you’ve kept me safe for eighteen years. Why now? I feel like you’re not telling me something, and it makes me upset considering it’s my safety. Shouldn’t I know?”

  He leaned back, peering deep into my eyes. “Alejandro is a very powerful man. I’ve known him for decades. I know what he stands for and who he stands by. His son proves himself more and more every day. He reminds me so much of myself at his age. That’s who we need in our family. As a confidant, an ally, a husband for you, and a father for your children.”

  Children? What the hell?

  Before I could reply, he added, “Cruz’s loyalty, dedication, and fearlessness are just a few qualities I have seen in him in just a short amount of time. The man knows no bounds. He’s eager, he’s willing, he’s smart. Proving what he’s made of on a daily basis. Cruz will do right by you, by our honor and code. He’s who I want on our side.”

  “What about me? Hmmm? What about what I think?”

  “Today is the first day of the rest of your life. I need you to give Crucifixio a chance.”

  “A chance for what? I’m already marrying him. He doesn’t have to try at all. I’ll carry his last name. I’ll live in his home. I’ll sleep in his bed. By law, I’ll be his wife. You’re handing me to him.”

  “I’m handing him my most prized possession in return for your safety, Sienna. You may not see it like that today, but mark my words, there will come a day where you will. My role as your father is to make sure you live the life you’re accustomed to. Since the day you were born, I’ve made sure you’ve had everything you ever wanted. Cruz will give you the life you deserve. The same one I’ve worked so hard to give you.”

  “I’d marry a man who was poor with no job as long I loved him.”

  “Principessa, you will learn to love him. When push comes to shove, you must know when to pick and choose your battles, Sienna Contessa Luciano. Marriage is hard work. It’s not easy. I’ve raised you to know the difference between the two. You’re a wise girl who’s taken good care of her Papà, but it’s time you focus your energy on your husband and having a family with him.”

  My eyes widened. “Papà…you can’t be serious? I don’t even know him.”

  “Sienna, the best gift in life is to have children of your own.”

  “Are you saying you’re expecting me to get pregnant?”

  The gleam in his gaze answered my question.

  “Papà! Come on! Are you hearing yourself? Not only is this an arranged marriage, but now you’re assuming I’m going to have arranged children? This is absurd!”

  “Principessa, I am not getting any younger. A honeymoon baby would be the best gift from my daughter and soon to be son.”

  “Children? As in plural? As in more than one?”

  “With marriage comes a family.”

  “I don’t even know his birthday! I don’t know his middle name. I don’t know anything about him. I’ve seen him twice. Twice, Papà! Why are you doing this to me?”

  “It’s the right thing to do. You will obey me. I’m your father, Sienna. Your father. Am I making myself clear?”

  My eyes rimmed with tears. There was no getting through to him. Nothing I could say or do would change the outcome of the day. I was never in control of my life and it was clear I never would be.

  I hated this.

  I despised being put in this situation as if I was nothing more than a pawn, a wife, a fucking baby maker! Only triggering the deep-rooted fury, I had for Crucifixio Martinez.

  Son of a bitch.

  The respect I had for my father was one thing, but it wouldn’t carry over to my husband. I didn’t owe Cruz a damn thing, and he was about to pay the price for my hand in all this.

  “Capo,” Uncle Gino interrupted. “We’re ready when you are.”

  He nodded. “I don’t want to leave this room without telling you how proud I am of the woman you’ve become, Principessa. Your mother would be too. I know you’re upset with me. I understand. I’ll allow it. This day is not easy for me either. I have to give you away to another man. I didn’t think this day would come so soon. The house will be empty without you in it, Sienna.”

  This was my father to a T. I could be furious with him one minute and then he’d say something that had me weak in the knees with a heavy heart. I loved him. He was a good man, the best man.

  To me.


  His men.

  “I am honored and grateful to have you as my daughter. You’ve been a constant presence in my life for so long and you won’t be in our home anymore.”

  I wanted to say he was the reason I wouldn’t be there.

  “With that said, I want to reassure you that while you may live in another man’s home, you’re still my daughter and I will always be there for you. No matter what.”

  “What if you’re wrong about Cruz? Huh? You barely even know him. What if he’s—”

  “If he hurts you in anyway, Principessa, he will have to answer to me, and trust me, Sienna, Cruz is a smart man. He doesn’t want me as an enemy,” he paused, letting his words sink in. “You shouldn’t look at this marriage as a prison sentence, but instead as an opportunity to pursue your dreams without having to worry about being cared for.”

  My dreams are to run away from this day.

  “I wish your mother was here to see you right now. The only thing I can offer you in her place is this.” Slowly, he turned my body until I was facing the full-length mirror.

  Our eyes connected in the reflection of the glass as he placed a dainty diamond cross around my neck from behind me.

  “On your first birthday, your mother bought this for you. She said she wanted to give it to you on your wedding day.”

  I sucked in a light breath, stunned by the turn of events, feeling like she was suddenly there with us.

  “Thank you, Papà.”

  For the first time in my life, I saw his eyes pool with fresh tears. I’d never seen a tear so much as leave my father’s eyes until today. Not even at Mamà’s funeral. I’d forever remember this expression on his face. It was an image I’d take to my grave.

  We stood there for I don’t know how long, lost in my reflection in the mirror. To me, this wasn’t a real wedding. It was an arranged marriage I was being forced into. Nevertheless, to him, it was the exact opposite. This was very much a real wedding and marriage in every extent of the words and meaning. He truly was giving me away to a man he believed was in my best interest.

  A provider.

  A caretaker.

  A husband.

  His lips trembled, and without hiding it he allowed his tears to flow loosely out of his solemn stare. It broke my heart in ways I never saw coming. Seeing my father cry was not a sentiment I was emotionally prepared for. I’d rather see him angry than ever see him like this.

  “Please don’t cry, Papà.”

  “Promise me, you will try to find a place in your heart for your husband.”

  “That’s not fair.” I shook my head. “You can’t ask me that.”

  “I can and I am.”


  “Promise me, Sienna. I need to hear you say the words.”

  “I’m sorry, Papà. I can give you anything else, but please don’t ask me to lie to you. I don’t want this. I don’t love him, and I can’t pretend like I’m okay with this because I’m not.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  “How? Because he answers to you and La Famiglia?”

  He ignored my question. “Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore, Principessa,” uttering, “I love you w
ith all my heart.” Taking one last look at me, he leaned forward and kissed my shoulder.

  I thought this was where our conversation would end. He’d want our time together to finish on a sweet and tender moment.

  I was wrong.

  Instead, he spun me around again until I was facing him this time. Before I could say another word, he lifted my veil, placing it in front of my face.

  Ending our father, daughter moment, he added, “I’ll allow you to have your opinion on this arranged marriage as you call it, but don’t for one second think I don’t expect you to be Cruz’s wife from the minute you say, ‘I do.’ You know the tradition, Sienna. Tomorrow morning, I await to hear he received the greatest gift I could have given him…”

  I shut my eyes, I had to. I knew what he was going to say.


  Chapter 19


  I scanned the room with measured control, staring back at the sea of eyes who took sight of my pose front and center of the church. Making sure the guards were in their proper places and cameras were aligned correctly in every corner of the cathedral. We took extra precautions for the day.

  Between El Diablo surprise re-emerging and our wedding, we couldn’t be too careful. The number of reporters outside of the church was fucking insane. Of course, my father was insistent on walking into the church through the front doors, versus the back where he could have gone unnoticed. The press hounded him with question after question.

  “Why did you fake your own death?”

  “Are you afraid of the repercussions that might present themselves?”

  “Do you have a death wish, coming out after all these years?”

  “Why here? Why now?”

  He answered each to the best of his ability. Making sure to pay tribute to his family, revealing he was coming out of hiding to celebrate his only son’s big day. It was time for the world to know the truth of his death.

  The journalists were in awe of how much he sacrificed for love, given his reputation as the devil. Every newspaper would print what we wanted them to. We’d have the news stations on our side in hopes of exploiting organized crime. Stirring the pot for the men who kidnapped Adriana to fear the fact El Diablo was looking like a hero. Of course, my father played it up for the cameras, creating a frenzy and the media couldn’t get enough.