Love You Now (Book Two: Love Hurts Duet) Page 10
“You fuckin’ brat.”
She giggled, spewing, “Payback’s a bitch, asshole.”
“Oh, Gremlin, you just started a war.”
“I won this round.”
“Yeah, no shit.” I got out of bed.
“Where are you going?”
“To rub one out, I’m fuckin’ dying now. Why? Do you wanna watch?”
She laughed her ass off, happy with the fact that she just gave me a massive case of blue balls...
For the rest of the day.
Chapter 13
“I can’t get rid of this kink,” I expressed to Jackson, rubbin’ the back of my neck.
We were stuck together for the whole day, walkin’ around Gatlinburg while all our friends went and did couple things.
Lucky me...
“I know how to fix that.”
“Blow jobs.”
I laughed, I couldn’t help it. “Is that right?”
“Yeah, I saw it on a documentary. Something about the bobbing of your head gets it right out. I can help you with that if you want?”
“Oh, can you?”
“Absolutely. I’d sacrifice my cock in your mouth for the greater cause.”
“How noble of you.”
He shrugged. “What can I say, I’m a gentleman. Besides, it’s the least you could do after the bullshit you pulled this morning.”
“I feel like I should win an award for that. It was like a Pornhub performance.”
“What do you know about Pornhub, Harley?”
“A lot.”
“You watch porn?”
“I love porn.”
His eyes snapped over to me, connectin’ with mine.
“Excuse me, what?”
I giggled, blushin’.
“Baby girl, you can’t say shit like that to me and then get all shy.” The back of his fingers swept across my cheek. “Although, I do love that shade of red on you.”
I bit my bottom lip.
“Now tell me, what kind of porn do you watch?”
“You started it. Now you’re gotta finish it.”
Takin’ a deep breath, I replied, “Erotica.”
“Oh ... you like softcore porn.”
“It’s still porn.”
“Except all the good parts are edited out.”
“Which are?”
“The fuckin’.”
“Ugh. What about the romance?”
“What about it?”
“You’re such a guy.”
“I’m a man. When we watch porn, it’s ’cuz we wanna fuck our fists. Not watch two people make-out.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”
“Why are you suddenly getting your panties all up in a bunch?”
“Nothin’. Never mind.”
He grabbed my arm, haltin’ my steps.
“Don’t give me that shit. Nothing always means something, so spill it.”
“Fine. You asked for it. You like to watch people fuckin’, yeah?”
“Are you really pissed at me ’cuz of my taste in porn?”
“No, I don’t care about that. I’m not pissed at you, but your taste in porn just reminds me of what you did with Willow—”
“We’re back to this shit? Are you fuckin’ with me? Harley, I haven’t touched Willow since before your sixteenth birthday.”
I jerked back, surprised he admitted that. It was one thing to assume and whole other thing to actually hear him say it. I hated bringin’ up Willow, except it was hard not to.
I didn’t trust him.
I didn’t want to get hurt.
However, I was beginnin’ to think I had no choice in the matter.
“Have you been with anyone aside from Willow?”
“Wow. You really wanna go there? Are you trying to pick a fight?”
“No. I wanna know the truth.”
“Have you heard of me fuckin’ anyone else?”
I shook my head no.
“Then you already have your answer.”
I nodded. “Okay.”
He let go of my arm, and we began walkin’ again. Tryin’ to hide back the huge smile takin’ over my face. My whole body feelin’ somethin’ I couldn’t even begin to describe or verbalize.
We walked for what seemed like hours, chattin’ about nothin’ in particular. At times, I felt like I was the only girl in his eyes, and this was one of those moments.
I watched the way he looked at me.
The way his lips moved when he talked.
The way he smiled, openin’ every door for me.
While his intense stare mirrored mine, watchin’ me just as closely.
Just as honestly.
As if I was his everythin’.
Makin’ me feel like I was.
I paid attention to every word he said, his hand always findin’ some way to touch me, tickle me, feel me against him.
We laughed.
We joked.
We picked on each other.
It was amazin’, this new territory we were walkin’ into together. I wanted to engrain it into my memory to take a piece of him back home with me. Petrified by the way he affected my mind and my heart, but it was so very real.
The emotion...
The chemistry between us.
It was a spark just waitin’ to explode.
I wanted his touch.
His taste.
His adoration and love.
Every. Last. Part.
My bully.
My boy.
Even with all I was experiencin’, it didn’t take away the little voice in the back of mind that played on constant repeat. Warnin’ me to stay away. We’d gone through hell and back together, and still here we were in this new place where I had no idea how I fit into his world.
Was I just another girl?
I hated feelin’ this way, especially when he was bein’ so sweet, so carin’, so attainable for once in our lives. Jackson wasn’t tryin’ to hide, showin’ me a side of him I never knew existed.
Was it an act?
Was he playin’ me?
Ugh! I couldn’t get my insecurities to leave. In turn, I did the next best thing, suggestin’, “Let’s see how many whiskey dispensaries we can go into and come out standin’.”
Solely wantin’ the voice to stop, to pause, to allow me to fully enjoy him. Might only be for tonight, but I wanted to live in this moment with him. I didn’t care what tomorrow brought, ’cuz right now...
In this second.
He was mine.
“You have a fake ID?” he responded, caught off guard with my idea.
“Oh, Jackson Pierce, there’s so much you don’t know about me.”
He shook he head, grinnin’. “If you want to drink with me, you drink water in between places.”
“What? Why?”
“’Cuz you weigh nothing, and that’s the only way you’ll be able to hang with me.”
I rolled my eyes but agreed.
Knowin’ in my heart, in my soul, somethin’ epic was about to happen between us.
And I for one, couldn’t wait.
I wanted him.
When she started giggling uncontrollably over nothing, I knew it was time to get her drunk ass back to the cabin.
Hailing a cab down the road from the last dispensary, she barely walked out upright. I threw her over my shoulder and smacked her ass.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“’Cuz I can. ’Cuz you needed it. ’Cuz I wanted to.”
“But it’s my booty.”
“Gremlin, how many times do I have to tell you, you’re mine, including this ass.” I smacked it again for good measure, earning me a whimper off her lips. Stepping into th
e cab, I placed her on my lap instead of sitting her beside me. Not wanting to let her go.
“Where to?” the driver asked, looking at us through the rearview mirror.
“The cabins off Carter Road.”
“Jackson, you’re gonna get us kicked out of this ride if you don’t let me go.”
Through the rearview mirror, I gave a curt nod to the driver. “Eyes on the road and you’ll get an extra fifty.”
The guy smiled before peering away to start driving.
“Money always makes people look the other way.”
“I’m a big girl. I can sit by myself.”
“Then what would my hands hold?” I gripped onto her ass harder.
“You know you’re doin’ it all backward. You’re supposed to kiss me first, groping comes after, Rudolph.”
“So you’re telling me all these years I’ve been kissing you I could have been groping you too?”
She laughed in that girly way I usually found annoying. Except with her it was my preference.
Rasping into her ear, “Is that how they do it on Pornhub?”
She blushed, and the liquor coursing through her veins made it livelier than earlier.
To be with someone, to really be with them on a level other than physical, was something I’d never experienced. Something I had never had.
Until her.
Chapter 14
The subtle expressions she was projecting at me all day, when she didn’t think I was looking...
Were perfect.
She was perfect.
I couldn’t remember the last time I came up for air. Took a second to breathe, a moment to catch my bearings, trying to fight against her pull. Harley’s current was strong and growing every time I was with her. I never expected to fall hard. I wasn’t even looking for anyone, but there she was. This girl with such a force, such a drive. A gift from God. It was so fuckin’ powerful, I never stood a chance.
There was no push and pull when it came to how much I needed her. Loved being around her.
Was I in love with her?
“Hey, where did you go?”
“I’m right here with you, baby girl. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
“Oh, and there was groping when you kissed me. I’m sure your nuts remember,” she taunted, nodding to my balls.
“My boys are thrilled you’ve moved on from that.”
She giggled like a little school girl.
“Who’d believe we’ve gone from sippy cups to shooting shots?’
“Are you gettin’ sentimental on me?”
“Whiskey turns you into a pussy, Jackson Pierce.”
I tickled inside her thigh, and she went ape shit.
Kicking and screaming.
“Don’t! Oh my God! You’re gonna make me pee my pants!”
“Should have thought about that before turning into a little shit.”
“Jackson! Jackson!”
“I love it when you scream my name.”
“I’m going to knee you in the balls, if you don’t stop.”
“How you gonna do that, Gremlin? Seeing as I’m holding you down.”
She laughed, wiggling, squirming, being fuckin’ adorable.
The car came to a screeching halt.
“You’re lucky or else I—”
“Would have escaped and come after your boys.”
With that, she swiftly bolted out of my grasp and hauled ass inside the cabin.
I paid the driver and quickly made my way through the front entrance, finding her darting up the stairs, hollering, “Let’s go in the hot tub!”
How was I supposed to turn that down? I didn’t. I couldn’t. I’d be a fuckin’ idiot if I did.
By the time we made it into the hot tub, it was a little past seven at night. The sun was descending over the horizon, creating the perfect painting in the sky. The pinkish, purple hue mixed with a few clouds looked breathtaking and stunning. Almost as beautiful as Harley did in her tiny bikini.
The second I saw her in nothing but string, I knew I was done for.
“This feels amazing,” she practically moaned as she stepped into the heated water. I followed suit, making my dick twitch in my swim trunks from her sultry tone.
Since there was no way in hell I could sit next to her without getting hard, I sat on the opposite side of the tub.
Calling me out, she questioned, “Why so far away?”
I smiled, despite my mind being twisted up with thoughts and emotions I couldn’t control, label, or even understand.
I wanted her more than I ever wanted anyone.
Craving to kiss her.
Yearning to feel her lips.
To taste her.
To touch.
To really make her mine.
With a set of hazy eyes and a soaking wet body, she stood. Standing in front of me, smirking.
I rubbed my first two fingers over my lips, contemplating what to do next. I knew what I wanted, and as much as I tried to talk myself out of it...
I couldn’t.
The urge was too powerful.
Too consuming.
“Baby girl,” I rasped, hanging on by a very thin thread.
“I love it when you call me that.”
I leaned back against the hot tub, taking a second to look at her. To really appreciate the beauty of Harley Jameson. Her face was flushed. Her eyes were dilated. She was a fuckin’ vision I was addicted to.
She was my addiction.
Our time together was never enough, and even when we were in each other’s presence...
I wanted more.
I wanted everything.
All or nothing.
She was my muse.
My biggest inspiration for all my videos.
Little did she know, I recorded her a lot. Oblivious to how many times I’d watch her over and over again. My favorite content to look at.
Goddamn breathtaking.
Her hair was flowing loosely around her face. Her eyes alive and vibrant, as if they were thriving in my direction.
Deep breaths, Jackson. Deep fuckin’ breaths.
She was mere inches away from me, and I swear I could smell her arousal. My girl was turned on.
She wanted...
“You’re drunk,” I stated the unmistakable.
“So are you.”
“No shit.”
“What do you wanna do?”
“Exactly what you’re thinking.”
“So do it.”
“Come on, Jackson. This ain’t the time to pussy out.”
I growled, “Who you calling a pussy, Gremlin?”
She shrugged. “I call it like I see it.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Harley.”
“I mean... You’re quarterback Jackson Pierce, the god, the legend, the man of all men, and here you are with your dick tucked between your legs. What a letdown. Good to know the rumors were lies. I always knew you didn’t have it in you to—”
Crudely gripping onto the back of her neck, I tugged her toward me. Slamming my lips against hers, silencing her with one rough kiss.
One hell of a kiss.
I kissed her like I was never going to see her again.
Like she belonged to me.
Like she was home.
She would always be my home.
I kissed her ... like I fuckin’ loved her.
She matched every beat, every moment, every feeling and emotion ... times ten.
The world stopped spinning, and time stood still.
Gripping onto the back of her thighs, I effortlessly carried her into my lap to mold us into one person. Our hearts beating profusely in line with one another.
sp; Needing.
I was putty in her hands.
My cock throbbed.
My balls ached.
Her pussy was right there against my dick.
When she started rocking her hips, I almost lost my shit.
Taking her right then and there.
“Fuck me, Gremlin,” I urgently rasped against her mouth.
“Harley, you don’t know what you’re saying. You’re drunk.”
“I’m not that drunk anymore.”
I groaned from deep within my chest as she grabbed my hands and brought them up to her tits.
“Touch me, Jackson. Please...”
“There’s only so much restraint I have left. You don’t know what you’re asking.”
“Yes, I do. Please...”
When I didn’t knead her breasts, she did it for me. Holding my large, callused fingers within hers, she rubbed herself all over.
“I’m gonna die.”
“Don’t die,” she panted, swaying her hips faster and harder against my hard as rock dick. Water splashing everywhere all around us, smacking into our frenzied skin. Soft moans escaped her lips. Her fingernails dug into my back as she continued to ride me.
She was like an angel and a demon at the same time. She was sinful as much as she was heavenly in my arms.
“I want you ... please...”
“I can’t. Not like this.”
“Come on ... please... Just fuck me, Jackson. It means nothing.”
I stopped kissing her.
Stopped touching her.
Never once wanting to pull away, I had to. Looking deep into her eyes, I interrogated, “Is that how you think I’d take you?”
She shook her head, confused. “What?”
“You think I’d just fuck you?”
“Wait. What?” She shook her head again. “What just happened? Why are you suddenly so pissed?”
“After all these years, all this time, all the bullshit we’ve been through together. You honestly think you’d just be another fuck for me?”
“I... I mean ... what else would I be?”
My eyes widened, fuckin’ hurt.
“Oh, come on, Jackson... We’re just having some fun, right? This isn’t serious. You’re going away to college soon. I’m still in Oak Island. Not to mention ... we hate each other, yeah? It’d never work between us.”
“Really? ’Cuz it sure as shit has been working since we were kids.”
“What? All we’ve ever done is torture each other. What would you call that?”